Our Mission

Finding Animals A Forever Home

Whether a dog is found in the street or surrendered to our rescue, we find them the perfect forever home. We make sure that the animal and the person are compatible and the home is a safe everionment for everyone.

Helping Animals In Need of Medical Assistance

We often get phone calls about animals that have been in accidents, that are strays, and that are in need of medical assistance. We are available to treat these cases at all times of the day.

Pulling Animals From Local Animal Shelters

These animals that we pull from shelters are usually about to be euthanasized. The only way that we can take them is if we have a foster lined up for the animal. Once a month we pull an animal from these shelters with a medical case such as a broken limb.

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Adopt A Pet Dog & Cat Rescue
Adopt A Pet Dog Rescue
Adopt A Pet Cat Rescue

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